My mother's name is Elizabeth but I can call her Chevel.
She is fifty one years old. She
is a housewife. Her favorite music is the vallenatos.
My father's name is Jaime and he is my life. He is seventy three years old. He is retired from Cementos
Argos. His favorite music is music christens.
I have one brother his name is Dilson. He is twenty eight years old. He is working in the company Inter Andina. He is installer of elevators. He has his family. His baby is Emanuel, his son is Kevin and his wife is Viviana.
I have one brother his name is Dilson. He is twenty eight years old. He is working in the company Inter Andina. He is installer of elevators. He has his family. His baby is Emanuel, his son is Kevin and his wife is Viviana.
This is my family. He is my father Jaime.
She is my mother Elizabeth. His is my nephew Emanuel. They are in my house.
They are celebrating birthday of my
nephew Kevin´s. There are many people. There is a cake. There are much to eat.
They are very happy.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarVery complete descrption!
ResponderEliminarSome corrections:
My mother'S name is Elizabeth but I can call HER Chevel.
My father'S name is Jaime and he is my LIFE. He is seventy - three years old. He is RETIRED FROM Cementos Argos. His FAVORITE music is Christian music. (ADJECTIVES BEFORE NOUNS)
This is my family. He is my father Jaime. She is my mother Elizabeth. His is my nephew Emanuel. They are in my house. They are celebrating MY NEPHEW KEVIN'S birthday. There are many PEOPLE. There is a CAKE. There are much TO eat. They are VERY happy.